Visceral Manipulation(VM for short) is a series of gentle manual techniques designed to increase the range of motion of organs. In some ways it is similar to CranioSacral Therapy. Each organ has a range of motion, just like your shoulder or neck. Most of us don't really think about it but our organs are all pressed together vying for space. Organs like the lungs and stomach change size continuously. When they are full, they compress their neighboring organs. As they empty, the neighbors push back and compress them. Your kidneys actually "move" about 1.5 miles per day; an inch at a time with each breath. As your diaphragm contracts, it pulls downward on the upper abdomen, causing the kidneys to slide downward. As your diaphragm relaxes and you exhale, your kidneys glide back upward (hopefully). All organs, including the brain, respond well to VM. Virtually anydisease process involves some form of organ compromise. While VM is primarily used for myofascial restrictions, it can help many metabolic problems as well.