Cranial work is a natural fit for infants and children. It is extremely gentle and it supports the growth and development of the brain and nervous system. A combination of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), Visceral Manipulation (VM), and Neural Manipulation (NM) are utilized to treat children. These gentle therapies can resolve structural and functional issues and are perfectly suited to the special needs of infants and kids.
Common conditions for newborns that we treat effectively:
Torticollis - bent neck
Plagiocephaly - cranial asymmetry
Hip malalignment
Issues swallowing or latching on
Issues sleeping
Recurrent infections, sinus/ear/lung
Skin problems
So many things have to progress during early development. The nervous system is expanding and building networks rapidly. When nerves are imbalanced they send too little of much electricity. This can cause weakness or overstimulation of muscles. Skeletal muscles pull on bones to move them. Imbalances in these muscles can pull bones out of alignment, causing orthopedic problems Other muscles like the diaphragm, heart, esophagus, stomach, intestines, etc. contract rhythmically, maintaining life. By treating the nervous system we can help unravel orthopedic problems as well as digestive issues. Of course, the nervous system includes the brain, cognitive function, mood, behavior, sleep, etc.
The gut is the foundation of the immune system. We have seen a dramatic increase in the incidence of immune system disorders and inflammation. It can show on the skin, in the respiratory system, and in digestion. Inflammation can also effect the brain, causing cognitive and behavioral symptoms. A condition called "leaky gut syndrome" involves a weak barrier in the lining of the intestines that allows large food particles to enter the bloodstream. This creates an immune response and contributes to food sensitivities. It so happens that the blood brain barrier is very similar to the gut lining. When this lining is compromised, we see increased inflammation in the brain. Sadly, many kids are being born with weakness in both of these linings. There are many factors that contribute to Autism and the "spectrum". One genetic component relates to the MTHFR gene that controls methylation. Many kids are predisposed to having difficulty adding a "methyl group" onto various molecules and vitamins. This renders them useless. Cells need these materials and the metabolic pathways get derailed, resulting in inflammation. The liver, brain, and vascular system are often primarily effected. It also relates to how well we fight infections. The genetic component of familial depression is often related to MTHFR mutations, as methylation is necessary to form serotonin. MTHFR also relates to food and medication sensitivities. We can test kids or adults to asses methylation status which can help us provide the right nutritional support.