Acupuncture is an essential part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a comprehensive system of healthcare with a continuous clinical history of over 3,000 years. Acupuncture is the Chinese medical practice of inserting needles into specific points on the body to promote health and combat disease, thereby balancing Qi (pronounced chee), energy, or life-force.
According to Chinese medical philosophy and theory, there is an unceasing flow of vital energy, Qi, throughout the human body. This Qi originates from the organ systems, manifesting as pathways of energy, referred to as channels. When the Qi flow is smooth and in balance, a person is healthy. When a channel becomes obstructed, or there is a shortage of Qi, illness and pain result.
Acupuncture consists of the gentle insertion and stimulation of micro-fine, pre-sterilized needles at strategic points along the effected channels of the body. Each acupuncture point has a specific purpose and function with a predictable result. Acupuncture points are selected and combined based on the pattern discrimination diagnosed. The Acupuncturist is able to address imbalanced channels by using acupuncture techniques to remove obstructions in the flow of Qi and supplement Qi insufficiency. In this way acupuncture utilizes the body’s innate healing abilities to promote and restore its own natural state of harmony and balance.
Acupuncture can be used to treat acute and chronic problems as well as provide preventative medical treatment. Acupuncture works with the body, increasing overall vitality and energy. It improves circulation and allows the body to heal itself more quickly and completely. Other treatment modalities used in conjunction with the needles during an acupuncture treatment include: heat packs with castor oil, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, cold-laser, CranioSacral, Visceral or Neural Manipulation. Meditation techniques are also utilized during treatment.